Young’s Orthogonal Representations

SnFFT uses Young’s Orthogonal Representations (YOR) to calculate the fast Fourier transform of a function over Sn . In addition to Young’s Orthogonal Representations, the fast Fourier transform needs to know the structure that determines the decomposition of Young’s Orthogonal Representations (PT). Additionally, the bandlimited fast Fourier transform needs some information about whether or not a component is a zero-frequency component (ZFI). To make computing multiple fast Fourier transforms more efficient, YOR, PT, and ZFI are computed before calling the fast Fourier transform. They only need to be computed once because they don’t depend on the specific values of the function over Sn .

Dense and Sparse Functions

Before computing a dense or sparse fast Fourier transform, construct the necessary information with:

julia> RA, PT = yor(N)
# Parameters
#       N::Int
#       - the problem size
# Return Values
#       YOR::Array{Array{Array{SparseMatrixCSC, 1}, 1}, 1} (Young's Orthogonal Representations)
#       - YOR[n][p][k] is Young's Orthogonal Representation for the Adjacent Transposition (K, K + 1) for the pth Partition of n
#       PT::Array{Array{Array{Int, 1}, 1}, 1} (Partition Tree)
#       - for each value, i, in PT[n][p], P[n][p] decomposes into P[n-1][i]
#       - length(PT[1]) = 0

Bandlimited Functions

Before computing a bandlimited fast Fourier transform, construct the necessary information with:

julia> RA, PT, ZFI = yor_bl(N, K)
yor_bl(N, K)
# Parameters:
#       N::Int
#       - the problem size
#       K::Int
#       - the problem is homogenous at N-K
# Return Values
#       YOR::Array{Array{Array{SparseMatrixCSC, 1}, 1}, 1} (Young's Orthogonal Representations)
#       - YOR[n][p][k] is Young's Orthogonal Representation for the Adjacent Transposition (K, K + 1) for the pth Partition of n that is needed for the bandlimited functionality
#       - length(YOR[n]) = 0 for n = 1:(N - K - 1)
#       - if p < ZFI[n], length(YOR[n][p] = 1) and YOR[n][p][1,1] contains the dimension of the full Young's Orthogonal Representation
#       PT::Array{Array{Array{Int, 1}, 1}, 1} (Partition Tree)
#       - for each value, i, in PT[n][j], P[n][j] decomposes into P[n-1][i]
#       - length(PT[n]) = 0 for n = 1:(N - K)
#       - length(PT[n][p]) = 0 for p <= ZFI[n]
#       ZFI::Array{Int, 1} (Zero Frequency Information)
#       - ZFI[n] = k if, for p<=k, P[n][p] is a zero frequency partition